First Case Function for LibreOffice Calc

FIRSTCASE() Description

The function FIRSTCASE() is intended to convert the first character in the text to uppercase, for example "First case function".

First Case converts only the first character in the text to uppercase, while leaving all other letters unchanged.

FIRSTCASE() is similar to the function SENTENCECASE() , but differs in that only the first character in the entire text changes.

Main Features Functions FIRSTCASE




Example Usage

The FIRSTCASE() function is easy to use. You just need to enter any text in the formula and LibreOffice Calc automatically converts it to a new case:

=FIRSTCASE("total amount with VAT: 1000$")

We will have the following result:

FIRSTCASE formula usage

This example uses the following values:

Extension "YouLibreCalc.oxt"

You can use the function FIRSTCASE() by setting the extension " YouLibreCalc.oxt ". After that, this function will be available in all files that will be opened in LibreOffice Calc.