Snake Case Function for LibreOffice Calc

SNAKECASE() Description

The function SNAKECASE() is designed to combine words using underscores, so it returns a single word, for example "snake_case_function".

Snake Case splits a string of words separated by spaces, hyphens, underscores, or case changes, then converts those words to lowercase and concatenates them with an underscore separator ("_").

The SNAKECASE() function can be useful in programming to convert variable names according to accepted code writing conventions (coding conventions) .

Main Features Functions SNAKECASE




Example Usage

The SNAKECASE() function is easy to use. You just need to enter any text in the formula and LibreOffice Calc automatically converts it to a new case:

=SNAKECASE("Snake case function")

We will have the following result:

SNAKECASE formula usage

This example uses the following values:

Extension "YouLibreCalc.oxt"

You can use the function SNAKECASE() by setting the extension " YouLibreCalc.oxt ". After that, this function will be available in all files that will be opened in LibreOffice Calc.