Uma função pronta para quem costuma usar taxas de câmbio NBU em Excel . Ajuda a inserir automaticamente valores de moeda por seu código e data de Site da NBU . Dedicado aos bancários da Ucrânia.
Abra o cardápio Service - Macros - Editor Visual Basic , insira o novo módulo (cardápio Insert - Module ) e copie o texto desta função lá:
Function NBU_RATE(sCurr$, iiDate As Date) ' Dim sURI As String Dim oHttp As Object Dim htmlcode As String Dim C As Range Dim Q As Long Dim iP As Long, z As Long Dim S As String, S1 As String, iOnlyTable As String Dim b As Object Dim massive(30, 5) Dim iDatas As Date sURI = "" & iiDate & "&execute" On Error Resume Next Set oHttp = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP") If Err.Number <> 0 Then Set oHttp = CreateObject("MSXML.XMLHTTPRequest") End If If oHttp Is Nothing Then Exit Function On Error GoTo ConnectionError oHttp.Open "GET", sURI, False On Error GoTo ConnectionError oHttp.Send htmlcode = oHttp.responseText iP = InStr(1, htmlcode, "України<"&"br/>встановлює") htmlcode = Mid(htmlcode, iP, 10000) iP = InStr(1, htmlcode, "<"&"td class=") + 6 + 11 '"> iDatas = Mid(htmlcode, iP, 10) iOnlyTable = Mid(htmlcode, InStr(100, htmlcode, "<"&"table cellpadding="), InStr(1000, htmlcode, "<"&"/table>") - _ InStr(100, htmlcode, "<"&"table cellpadding=") + 10)'"> Set Doc = CreateObject("HTMLFile") Doc.Write iOnlyTable Set b = Doc.all.tags("TABLE") For Each uTableElement In b iRows = uTableElement.Rows.Length iCells = uTableElement.Cells.Length j = 0 For k = 1 To iRows For l = 1 To 5 j = j + 1 massive(k, l) = uTableElement.Cells(j - 1).innerHTML If j = uTableElement.Cells.Length Then GoTo 1 Next l Next k 1: Next uTableElement For k = 2 To iRows For l = 1 To 5 If massive(k, l) = sCurr Then NBU_RATE = Replace(massive(k, 5), ".", ",") NBU_RATE = NBU_RATE / massive(k, 3) End If Next l Next k Calculate NextForLoop: Set oHttp = Nothing Exit Function ConnectionError: End Function
Fecha-o Editor do Visual Basic e voltar para Excel .
Agora em Function wizard na categoria User definido Você pode encontrar nosso recurso NBU_RATE e use-o. A sintaxe desta função é a seguinte:
=NBU_RATE ( Código da moeda ; data )
Teremos o seguinte resultado: