VBA Function: Minute


The VBA Minute function returns an integer that corresponds to the minute of the specified date or time.

Syntax Minute


VBA Minute Example

Using the Minute function to get the appropriate time information:

Sub MinuteExample1()
      myHour = #6:36:45PM#
      MsgBox Minute(myHour) 'Returns: 36

End Sub

Or by date and time (for the same result):

Sub MinuteExample2()
      myDate = #10/31/2020 6:36:45 PM#
      MsgBox Minute(myDate) 'Returns: 36

End Sub

This function also accepts dates and times in text format:

Sub MinuteExample3()
      myDate = "10/31/2020 18:36:45"
      MsgBox Minute(myDate) 'Returns: 36

End Sub
Function that returns the time of the current time: HOUR
Function that returns the seconds of the current time: SECOND