VBA Function: Mid

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The VBA MID Function returns the specified number of characters from a character string starting with the defined character number.

MID Syntax

Mid(text, start_character)

Mid(text, start_character, number_characters)

VBA Mid Example

Extract different portions of text from the string:

Sub MidExample()
     MsgBox Mid("", 1, 1)  'Returns: w
     MsgBox Mid("", 1, 3)  'Returns: www
     MsgBox Mid("", 1, 13) 'Returns: www.moonexcel
     MsgBox Mid("", 1, 30) 'Returns:
     MsgBox Mid("", 5, 9)  'Returns: moonexcel
     MsgBox Mid("", 5, 4)  'Returns: moon
     MsgBox Mid("", 9, 5)  'Returns: excel
     MsgBox Mid("", 16, 3) 'Returns: com
     MsgBox Mid("", 5, 50) 'Returns:
     MsgBox Mid("", 5)     'Returns:

End Sub