Sum, numbers, number written in Ukrainian


Very often it happens that we need to display numbers written in Ukrainian in Excel . For example, display the number of pages in a document in writing - a number "27" as "Двадцять сім" .

Also, for accounting purposes, the cost of a trade transaction must be written in words. For example, the amount 10 568,23 display in writing how "Десять тисяч п'ятсот шістдесят вісім грн. 23 коп." , that is, necessary sum in Ukrainian language , but Excel has no standard function for such purposes.

VBA code for function SUMINWORDS

Below you will find a ready-made function on VBA, which translates any number into its text representation in Ukrainian, i.e. in number in writing . This feature must be added to your book before use.

For this:

  1. Press ALT+F11 to open the Visual Basic editor
  2. Add a new empty module through the menu Insert - Module
  3. Copy and paste the text of this function there:
Function SUMINWORDS(n As Double, curr As Variant, kop As Variant) As String
 Dim Nums1, Nums2, Nums3, Nums4 As Variant
 Nums0 = Array("", "одна ", "дві ", "три ", "чотири ", "п'ять ", "шість ", "сім ", "вісім ", "дев'ять ")
 Nums1 = Array("", "один ", "два ", "три ", "чотири ", "п'ять ", "шість ", "сім ", "вісім ", "дев'ять ")
 Nums2 = Array("", "десять ", "двадцять ", "тридцять ", "сорок ", "п'ятдесят ", "шістдесят ", "сімдесят ", _
                        "вісімдесят ", "дев'яносто ")
 Nums3 = Array("", "сто ", "двісті ", "триста ", "чотириста ", "п'ятсот ", "шістсот ", "сімсот ", _
                        "вісімсот ", "дев'ятсот ")
 Nums4 = Array("", "одна ", "дві ", "три ", "чотири ", "п'ять ", "шість ", "сім ", "вісім ", "дев'ять ")
 Nums5 = Array("десять ", "одинадцять ", "дванадцять ", "тринадцять ", "чотирнадцять ", _
                        "п'ятнадцять ", "шістнадцять ", "сімнадцять ", "вісімнадцять ", "дев'ятнадцять ")
 If n < 1 Then
   SUMINWORDS = "Нуль " & curr & " " & Round((n - Fix(n)) * 100) & " " & kop
If curr = "" Then
   SUMINWORDS = "Нуль"
End If
   Exit Function
 End If
 ' we divide the number into digits using the auxiliary function Class 
 ed     = Class(n, 1)
 dec    = Class(n, 2)
 sot    = Class(n, 3)
 tys    = Class(n, 4)
 dectys = Class(n, 5)
 sottys = Class(n, 6)
 mil    = Class(n, 7)
 decmil = Class(n, 8)
 sotmil = Class(n, 9)
 bil    = Class(n, 10)
 ' checking billions 
 Select Case bil
    Case 1
      bil_txt = Nums1(bil) & "мільярд "
    Case 2 To 4
      bil_txt = Nums1(bil) & "мільярди "
    Case 5 To 9
      bil_txt = Nums1(bil) & "мільярдів "
 End Select
 ' checking millions 
 Select Case sotmil
   Case 1 To 9
     sotmil_txt = Nums3(sotmil)
 End Select
 Select Case decmil
   Case 1
     mil_txt = Nums5(mil) & "мільйонів "
     GoTo www
   Case 2 To 9
     decmil_txt = Nums2(decmil)
 End Select
 Select Case mil
   Case 0
     If decmil > 0 Then mil_txt = Nums4(mil) & "мільйонів "
   Case 1
     mil_txt = Nums1(mil) & "мільйон "
   Case 2, 3, 4
     mil_txt = Nums1(mil) & "мільйона "
   Case 5 To 9
     mil_txt = Nums1(mil) & "мільйонів "
 End Select
 If decmil = 0 And mil = 0 And sotmil <> 0 Then sotmil_txt = sotmil_txt & "мільйонів "
 sottys_txt = Nums3(sottys)
 ' we check thousands 
 Select Case dectys
   Case 1
     tys_txt = Nums5(tys) & "тисяч "
     GoTo eee
   Case 2 To 9
     dectys_txt = Nums2(dectys)
 End Select
 Select Case tys
   Case 0
     If dectys > 0 Then tys_txt = Nums4(tys) & "тисяч "
   Case 1
     tys_txt = Nums4(tys) & "тисячa "
   Case 2, 3, 4
     tys_txt = Nums4(tys) & "тисячі "
   Case 5 To 9
     tys_txt = Nums4(tys) & "тисяч "
 End Select
 If dectys = 0 And tys = 0 And sottys <> 0 Then sottys_txt = sottys_txt & " тисяч "
 sot_txt = Nums3(sot)
 ' we check dozens 
 Select Case dec
   Case 1
     ed_txt = Nums5(ed)
     GoTo rrr
   Case 2 To 9
     dec_txt = Nums2(dec)
 End Select
 ed_txt = Nums0(ed)

 ' form the final line 
 SUMINWORDS = bil_txt & sotmil_txt & decmil_txt & mil_txt & sottys_txt & dectys_txt _
 & tys_txt & sot_txt & dec_txt & ed_txt & curr & " " & Round((n - Fix(n)) * 100) & " " & kop

 If curr = "" Then
   SUMINWORDS = bil_txt & sotmil_txt & decmil_txt & mil_txt & sottys_txt & dectys_txt _
 & tys_txt & sot_txt & dec_txt & ed_txt
 End If
End Function
 ' auxiliary function for selection from the number of digits 
Private Function Class(M, I)
  Class = Int(Int(M - (10 ^ I) * Int(M / (10 ^ I))) / 10 ^ (I - 1))
End Function

Save the file and return to Excel.

Using the function

Now you can insert the created function into any cell of the sheet of this book in the usual way - through the function wizard (button in the formula bar, category User defined (User defined) or by simply typing it in the cell manually and specifying the cell with the sum as an argument. Also, in the function parameters, you can specify the name of the currency (hryvnia, dollar, euro, etc.) and the name of hundredths (pennies, cents, etc.):

=SUMINWORDS(text; currency; hundreds)

If in the parameter "currency" insert empty double quotes ( "" ), then the amount will be displayed as a whole number in writing :

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