VBA-Lesson 7.2. Conditions

Type-based condition

IsNumeric (the function we used in the previous lesson) returns TRUE if the value is a number, and FALSE, if - is not a number:

If IsNumeric(Range("A1")) = True Then 'IF VALUE IS A NUMBER...

The following code has the same effect as the previous one (we don't need to include = True because the construct itself is a condition check):

If IsNumeric(Range("A1")) = True Then 'IF VALUE IS A NUMBER...

If we want to check if a value is not a number, we can do it in two ways:

If IsNumeric(Range("A1")) = False Then 'IF VALUE IS NOT A NUMBER...
If Not IsNumeric(Range("A1")) Then 'IF THE VALUE IS NOT A NUMBER ...

Let's look at a few more functions similar to IsNumeric:

If IsDate(Range("A1")) Then 'IF VALUE IS DATE ...
If IsEmpty(Range("A1")) Then 'IF EMPTY...
If var_object Is Nothing Then 'IF THE OBJECT IS NOT DEFINED ...

Condition based on variable type

To execute commands based on the type of a variable (Variant), we will need to use the VarType function.

The list of variable types will appear as soon as we enter the sign "=":

If VarType(my_variable) = vbInteger Then 'IF my_variable is of variable type Integer ...

The value of the constants:

Constant Value
If VarType(my_variable) = vbInteger Then 'IF my_variable is an Integer variable type ...
Is identical to:
If VarType(my_variable) = 2 Then 'IF my_variable is an Integer variable type ...

A condition based on the comparison of two text strings

A little earlier we used the following code snippet:

my_variable = "Example 12345"

If my_variable = "Example 12345" Then ' => TRUE

In this case the two rows are the same, but if we want to check if the variable contains the value "12345" without considering other characters, we should use a command Like, and operator * (asterisk) before and after the value we are looking for.

The * operator (asterisk) stands for: any character or set of characters:

my_variable = "Example 12345"

If my_variable Like "*12345*" Then ' => TRUE

The operator # (array) is decoded as: any numeric single character from 0 to 9:

my_variable = "Example 12345"

If my_variable Like "Example 12###" Then ' => TRUE

Operator ? (question mark) is deciphered as: any single character:

my_variable = "Example 12345"

If my_variable Like "?xample?1234?" Then ' => TRUE

We can also use specific characters or a set of characters in the same way:

my_variable = "Example 12345"

If my_variable Like "[DEF]xample 1234[4-7]" Then ' => TRUE

The ! operator (exclamation point) added after the [ character will mean: any character not enclosed in square brackets:

my_variable = "Example 12345"

If my_variable Like "[!GHIJ]xample 1234[!6-9]" Then ' => TRUE
In this context, uppercase characters are not equivalent to the same lowercase characters. If you don't want to distinguish between uppercase and lowercase characters, then just write the command Option Compare Text at the beginning of the module.

Articles on the topic:

  • VBA-Lesson 7.1. Conditions
  • VBA-Lesson 8.1. Loops