Change the formulas to their calculated values

Number & Date > Change formulas to their calculated values

This utility replaces formulas in selected cells with their calculated values.

The utility works in the same way as LO Calc "Copy > Paste > Paste Value" , but in one step, and also works with several non-contiguous areas of cells at the same time.

Typically, the utility changes formulas to their calculated values in both visible and hidden cells. If you selected cells in the filtered list, only the visible cells change.

For example, a cell with a formula «=D2*E2» , which has "200" as a calculated result will be replaced by the value 200 .

This can be useful, for example, if you want to speed up calculations in your workbook, or if you don't want anyone to see the basic formulas you've used if you give the workbook to someone else.


Number & Date > Change formulas to their calculated values

After application:

Number & Date > Change formulas to their calculated values

Launch this tool

Click YLC Utilities > Number & Date > Change formulas to their calculated values :

Number and Date › Change formulas to their calculated values

How much time will it save?

Using this tool, you are guaranteed to save time and effort. However, the actual time savings depends on how often you use LibreOffice Calc, the amount of data you work with, and how often you use the tool.


If you don't already have YLC Utilities, you can download the free version "YouLibreCalc.oxt" or the full-featured version "YLC_Utilities.oxt" .

Additional keywords for this tool:
custom insert, insert formulas as values, convert formulas