The built-in function VLOOKUP is one of the most powerful functions in Excel (Calc) . But it has some drawbacks - it compares values in only one column and only in the leftmost column. But what if you need to compare values in 2 columns and not just in the first column?
The modified VLOOKUPDOUBLE function searches for two conditions in two different columns of a table simultaneously.
=VLOOKUPDOUBLE(LookupValue1; LookupArray1; LookupValue2; LookupArray2; ReturnArray)
The VLOOKUPDOUBLE() function is easy to use. You just need to specify 2 separate ranges to search, 2 values to compare, and the column from which to return related values and Excel (Calc) will automatically find and return the required result based on two matches:
=VLOOKUPDOUBLE(LookupValue1; Lookup Array1; LookupValue2; Lookup Array2; Return Array)
We will have the following result:
This example uses the following values:
You can use the function VLOOKUPDOUBLE() by installing the extension
Or its free version YouLibreCalc .
Or its free version YouLibreCalc .
After that, this function will be available in all files that are opened in Excel (LibreOffice Calc) .