IsoCountry function

ISOCOUNTRY() Description

The ISOCOUNTRY() function returns the name and codes for the specified country according to ISO (International Standard Organisation) standard Additional data is also available.

List of available information:

Main Features Functions ISOCOUNTRY


=ISOCOUNTRY(Country; DataType; CurrentCell; [SearchType])


Example Usage

The ISOCOUNTRY() function is easy to use. You just need to specify the name or country code and the type of data you want to retrieve and LibreOffice Calc will automatically return the selected values for the specified country:

=ISOCOUNTRY(Country; DataType; CurrentCell)

We will have the following result:

ISOCOUNTRY formula usage

This example uses the following values:

Features of application

This function performs an approximate search if the name of the country is written with errors or in a different format. The function is used for this FUZZYLOOKUP() . If the found value is the result of an approximate search, the text of the cell will be highlighted in red.

Download the extension

You can use the ISOCOUNTRY() function by installing the extension "YLC_Utilities.oxt" .

After that, this function will be available in all files that will be opened in LibreOffice Calc.