Sentence Case Function for Excel

SENTENCECASE() Description

The SENTENCECASE() function is designed to convert existing text into sentence format and returns a set of words in the form: «Sentence case function» .

Sentence Case splits lines separated by periods, exclamation marks, or question marks into separate sentences. Then, it lowercases all words except the first letter in the sentence, then merges all elements into one continuous text.

The SENTENCECASE() function can be useful for correcting the case of sentences across text.

You can also use a set of ready-made tools "Other register options" , which change the text case for selected cells in one click.

Main Features of the SENTENCECASE Function




Example Usage

The SENTENCECASE() function is easy to use. You just need to enter any text into the formula, and Excel automatically converts it to a new case:


We will have the following result:

SENTENCECASE formula usage

This example uses the following values:

Download extension

You can use the function SENTENCECASE() by installing the extension YLC Utilities .

Or its free version YouLibreCalc .

After that, this function will be available in all files that are opened in Excel .