Calculation of the number of unique values


Sometimes in our work we need to count the unique values in a certain column, but Excel has functions that only sum up the number of records in a given field, for example the function COUNT() . The problem is that the same product or customer code can be repeated several times. But there is a way out, to solve our problem we can combine standard functions Excel. Let's see how to do it.

So let's combine the functions SUM() - sums up the meaning, IF() - condition check, FREQUENCY() - counts the number of values that fall into a certain interval, LEN() - counts the number of characters, MATCH() - searches for the position of an element in the array.

Calculation of the number of unique numerical values


Counting the number of unique numeric and text values (does not work if there are empty cells)


Calculation of the number of unique values (universal formula)


The last formula must be entered as an array formula, that is, it is not easy to click Enter , a Ctrl+Shift+Enter . After that, in the line of formulas, we will see that the formula is enclosed in curly brackets ( { } ), this is a sign that an array formula is entered.

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