- Using VLOOKUP function for merge spreadsheets
One of the most powerful and useful function in Excel - VLOOKUP, it allows to find required values in the table. About correct of its using - simply and clearly.
- Improve VLOOKUP function (VLOOKUP2)
Embeded function VLOOKUP - one of the most powerful function in Excel. But it have the one significant disadvantage - it finds only the first entry of required value in the table and only at the far left column. But if need to find the 2-nd, 3-rd and not at the far left one?
- VLOOKUP for combination by two condition (VLOOKUP3)
Improve variant of VLOOKUP - VLOOKUP3, which give us possibility to substitute values by matching two conditions. The function can be useful in cases, when we don't have unique values in a range by which we wish to do combination.
- Quick merging of big spreadsheets (VLOOKUP2D)
How quicklymerge two big tables (using INDEX and MATCH functions).
- Creating reports via Pivot Tables
How in a few seconds to do compact, correct and clear report from a huge table with thousands rows.
- Spreadsheet redesigner
Preparing dataset for Pivot Tables.
- Power Pivot – tool for enhancing opportunities of Pivot Tables
PowerPivot Add for Excel 2010, which allow create Pivot Tables from different data source and accelerate proccesing files with a large number of records.
- Sorting of worksheets in a workbook
How quickly sort the sheets alphabetically in a big workbook
- Text concatenating from different cells (CONCATENATE)
Text concatenating from different cells in Excel.
- Breaking text on several columns
How quickly break column with text on several columns.
- Merging of two columns with data
How quickly merge data from two mutually non-overlapping columns with blank cells. Without any formulas, macros, etc. - only using mouse.
- Quick jump between worksheets
How does quickly jump into required sheet in a workbook, if we have many sheets.
- Hotkeys in Excel
Convenient table with hotkeys in Excel.
- Drop-down list in the cell
How to make drop-down list in Excel in order not to input repeatedly the same data from the keyboard.
- Filling in blank cells in the list
How quickly fill in blank cells in the column, inserting there values from higher cells.
- Text concatenation by the condition (CONCATIF)
How to concatenate a text from the different cells by the condition, easy and fast.
- Removing password protection in Excel
How quickly to find out a password for protected workshees in Excel.
- Worksheet collection
How to collect the different workbooks into one file.
- Fast input today's date
Two quick ways to input today's date.
- Autofill of cells
How to automatic fill in the cells.
- Input fractions in Excel
How to input ordinary fractions in Excel.
- Alignment autoshapes
How to align the autoshapes on the edges of cells.
- How to do an indent while entering text to the cell
Make an indent while entering text to the cell in Excel.
- Changing the direction of data entry
Changing the direction of data entry, when after pressing Enter, cursor move not to down, but to any other direction.
- Cell with secret
How to hide the cell content without sheet protection.
- Hint during filling in data into cell
Hint during filling in data into cell.
- How to insert macros in Excel
How to insert macros in Excel.
- How to hide a formula in the cell
How to hide a formula in the cell from prying eyes.
- Duplicates removing
How to remove duplicates in Excel?
- Duplicates finding
How to find duplicates in Excel?
- Automatic text splitting by specified delimiter (SPLITUP)
Function for excluding part of text by the specified separator.
- Cells merging without loss of text
How to merge cells together with their contents.
- Maximal value by condition (MAXIF)
Searching for maximal value by condition.
- Special copying values and formulas
Copying the value which gives out the formula. Copying once many formulas without shift links and ranges.
- Separation of the text into parts
Separation of the text from the right, left and inside.