Split text to different columns

Convert Text to Columns is a feature in Excel that enables users to separate data in a single column into multiple columns. This can be useful when importing data from other sources or when you need to extract information from a larger dataset.

This feature can save a lot of time and manual effort, as it automates the process of data separation and organization.

So, how to split text into two columns and more? For example in column A there are the First name and the Last name together, but we need to put them into separate columns.

For this select the cells for breaking and choose in menu Data - Text to columns. Then appear Text wizard window:

At the first step of Wizard we should choose data format. Then we choose if our text have delimiters (gaps, semicolons etc.):

At the second step we choose delimiter. In our case it is gap:

And at the finally step we have to choose format of data:

Press OK and we will receive the next result:

Related articles:

  • Automatic text splitting by specified delimiter (SPLITUP)
  • Text concatenating from different cells (CONCATENATE)
  • Text concatenation by the condition (CONCATIF)
  • Separation of characters from the text (LEFT, RIGHT, MID)