Official exchange rates

External Data > Currency exchange rates...

This utility will help you get exchange rates from official websites of national banks of many countries.

This makes it much easier to work with exchange rates, especially for those who work in finance or keep records in different currencies.

Instead of manually entering rates, you just need to use this utility to quickly get up-to-date data.


External Data > Currency exchange rates...

After application:

External Data > Currency exchange rates...

Launch this tool

Click YLC Utilities > External Data > Currency exchange rates... :

External data › Official exchange rates...

Exchange rate as a formula

You can also get the value of the exchange rate using the corresponding function. To do this, just press the button Add Formula . For example, a feature will be added for the Central Bank of Brazil NBBR() with corresponding values:

External Data > Currency exchange rates...

After application:

External Data > Currency exchange rates...

Checking the correctness of the exchange rate

For financial or accounting calculations, it is very important to check the correctness of the calculations and the absence of errors. For this in the tool "Official exchange rates" there is a built-in button Check Online to check data on official websites of national (central) banks. By clicking this button, you will be automatically redirected to the corresponding website with currency rates:

External Data > Currency exchange rates...

Website of the Central Bank of Brazil :

External Data > Currency exchange rates...

List of National Banks

Official exchange rates of the following National (central) banks are currently available:

How much time will it save?

Using this tool, you are guaranteed to save time and effort. However, the actual time savings depends on how often you use LibreOffice Calc, the amount of data you work with, and how often you use the tool.


If you don't already have YLC Utilities, you can download the free version "YouLibreCalc.oxt" or the full-featured version "YLC_Utilities.oxt" .

Additional keywords for this tool:
get exchange rate, convert currency, exchange rates online, exchange rate of US dollar, Euro, conversion