Remove spaces at the beginning and end of the text

Text > Remove leading and trailing spaces

Sometimes your data contains leading or trailing spaces. Someone may have accidentally added extra spaces, or imported text data from external sources may contain extra spaces.

Leading and/or trailing spaces can cause unexpected results when sorting, filtering, or using formulas.

This utility removes all leading and trailing spaces from the values in the selected cells.

For example, if you have a cell with a value " LibreOffice " , then this utility changes the value to "LibreOffice" without leading or trailing spaces.


Text > Remove leading and trailing spaces

Launch this tool

Click YLC Utilities > Text > Remove leading and trailing spaces :

Text › Remove leading and trailing spaces

Do you recognize any of these situations?

Just select the cells and then use this tool:

YLC Utilities » Text » Remove leading and trailing spaces

How much time will it save?

Using this tool, you are guaranteed to save time and effort. However, the actual time savings depends on how often you use LibreOffice Calc, the amount of data you work with, and how often you use the tool.


If you don't already have YLC Utilities, you can download the free version "YouLibreCalc.oxt" or the full-featured version "YLC_Utilities.oxt" .

Additional keywords for this tool:
extra spaces, remove extra spaces, unnecessary spaces, spaces, clear empty cells, fix empty cells that LO Calc does not recognize as empty, fix empty cells, spaces, remove unnecessary spaces from a cell