Date conversion/recognition

Number & Date > Convert/recognize dates...

This utility will help you convert unrecognized dates in selected cells.

Sometimes LO Calc treats dates as text. This problem often occurs when data is imported or copied from other programs. The problem is often caused by a difference between the date formats in your data and the local settings on your computer.

When LO Calc doesn't recognize these dates, they are left-justified, cell formatting to display dates doesn't work, and you can't use them in your calculations.

With this utility you can quickly convert them so that LO Calc recognizes them as correct dates.

Date-as-Text values must be constructed in the same logical way in order for this utility to convert them.


Number & Date > Convert/recognize dates...

After application:

Number & Date > Convert/recognize dates...

Launch this tool

Click YLC Utilities > Number & Date > Convert/recognize dates... :

Number and Date › Convert/recognize dates...

How much time will it save?

Using this tool, you are guaranteed to save time and effort. However, the actual time savings depends on how often you use LibreOffice Calc, the amount of data you work with, and how often you use the tool.


If you don't already have YLC Utilities, you can download the free version "YouLibreCalc.oxt" or the full-featured version "YLC_Utilities.oxt" .

Additional keywords for this tool:
recognize date, change date from US format to European format, convert, convert dates