Start each word with an upper case

Text > Start Each Word With Uppercase

This utility will capitalize each word in the selected cells. All other characters will be converted to lowercase.

It can be useful, for example, to change the spelling of city names. For example, text «new york» will be changed to «New York» .

This utility is a quick alternative to the LO Calc =PROPER() function.


Text > Start Each Word With Uppercase

Launch this tool

Click YLC Utilities > Text > Start Each Word With Uppercase :

Text › Start each word with an upper case

Same as MS Word

In MS Word you can use Shift+F3 to change the case of the selected text.

In LibreOffice Calc you can also use Shift+F3 to change case one by one.

If you often forget this keyboard shortcut, luckily you can also use the YLC Utilities extension to quickly change the case.

Just select the cells and then use this tool:

YLC Utilities » Text » Start Each Word With Uppercase

How much time will it save?

Using this tool, you are guaranteed to save time and effort. However, the actual time savings depends on how often you use LO Calc, the amount of data you are working with, and how often you use the tool.


If you don't already have YLC Utilities, you can download the free version "YouLibreCalc.oxt" or the full-featured version "YLC_Utilities.oxt" .

Additional keywords for this tool:
Change case, Caps, Capitals, Capital letter, capitalization, capitalisation, uppercase, uppercase, title case, transform text from without retyping, Proper Case