Buy extension "YLC Utilities" for cryptocurrency
There is also an option to purchase extensions "YLC Utilities" for cryptocurrency. Payment can be any popular cryptocurrency token that will be approved after your request.
The sequence of steps to buy YLC Utilities extension for cryptocurrency:
- Write a letter to e-mail in which to indicate that you wish to purchase the extension "YLC Utilities" for cryptocurrency.
- In the letter, specify the cryptocurrency token with which you want to pay for the purchase (it is advisable to specify several token options). Please note that different tokens have different transfer fees (the less popular the token, the lower the fee).
- Wait for a response to your letter (1-2 days). If the cryptocurrency (token) you offered is suitable as payment, the letter will indicate the amount and the address of the wallet where you need to pay the funds.
- The buyer transfers the purchase amount to the specified electronic wallet and waits for the money to be credited to the account (it takes up to 1 hour on average).
- The buyer sends a confirmation letter that the funds have been transferred to the account.
- After successful payment, you will be sent an email with an attached extension file (YLC_Utilities.oxt).