Changelog for extension "YLC Utilities"
4) Version 24.8 (August 2024)
Added new features that do the following:
- Transliterates the text from Russian into Latin: TRANSLITRU .
- Returns the value of gender (male/female): GETSEX .
- Returns any word in the text by the given set of separators: GETWORD .
- Gets the name of the current workbook: WORKBOOK .
- Gets the name of the current worksheet: SHEETNAME .
- Converts a table into an array of values (one-dimensional or two-dimensional): TABLETOARRAY .
- Converts a table into a dictionary (Python or PHP): TABLETODICT .
- Converts a table into an array of values in CSV format: TABLETOCSV .
- Converts a table of values to a SQL command INSERT INTO : TABLETOSQL .
- Converts the table into HTML format: TABLETOHTML .
- Converts a table to JSON format: TABLETOJSON .
- Converts a table to XML format: TABLETOXML .
- Calculates the number of working hours in a given date range, including weekends and holidays: WORKHOURS .
- Returns the country code in the selected format: ISOCOUNTRY .
3) Version 24.7 (July 2024)
- New functions have been added to receive exchange rates from the official websites of national banks of the following countries:
- of the Central Bank of Russia ( NBRU .
- of the National Bank of Kazakhstan ( NBKZ .
- of the Central Bank of Uzbekistan ( NBUZ .
- of the Central Bank of Azerbaijan ( NBAZ .
- National Bank of Moldova ( NBMD .
- of the National Bank of Georgia ( NBGE .
- of the Central Bank of Turkmenistan ( NBTM .
- of the National Bank of Kyrgyzstan ( NBKG .
- National Bank of Tajikistan ( NBTJ .
- of the Central Bank of Armenia ( NBAM .
- Bank of Lithuania ( NBLT .
- Central Bank of the European Union ( NBEU .
- National Bank of Romania ( NBRO .
- Central Bank of Brazil ( NBBR .
- Improved function COUNTBYCELLCOLOR , which can now count empty colored cells.
2) Version 24.6 (June 2024)
- Added Google Translate... ( "Google Translate..." ) in the menu "Text" .
- Added Mark unique values ( "Designation of unique values" ) in the menu "Range" .
- A new menu has been added Table Style ( "Table Style" ), which contains 7 ready-made styles for formatting tables.
- Added summation of values by cell color: SUMBYCELLCOLOR .
- Added calculation of the number of values by cell color: COUNTBYCELLCOLOR .
- Added summation of values by the color of the text in the cell: SUMBYFONTCOLOR .
- The calculation of the number of values by the color of the text in the cell has been added: COUNTBYFONTCOLOR .
- Added a function that gets the comment text from the specified cell: GETCOMMENT .
General changes:
- Added undo last action for utilities ("Undo") .
- Increased the number of colors for display of duplicates until the 16th
1) Version 24.5 (May 2024)
- Added 35 utilities for working with text, cell ranges, sheets, comments, and formulas.